Tabs of my life



Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Get Up, Shake if off, and Get to Praising

It does get better! 
You might be sitting on your couch feeling defeated, as if that is it. Telling yourself, “ This is the end of the road.” Who lied to you though!? As long as the sun rises, the opportunities are endless. So, get up, shake it off, and get to praising.

Surely, you must tell yourself, she is just full of it; she could not possibly know what I am feeling. I do share the same moments. The moments of defeat. When every door slammed in my face; education, finances, family, friends, and love. Yes, I have survived those nights with my face buried in my pillow screaming my lungs out, choking on the broken pieces of my heart. I have cried through nights of hopelessness. My swollen eyes testified on behalf of my soul, for all that pain was masked by a radiant smile. But eventually, the anger and hurt and pain would surface like hot lava, destroying all that is in reach including myself. 

So, I do get it. 

I also know that it gets better. 

God is faithful to His promises. 

You might be at the point in life where you, on your own strength, are attempting to “fix” your life, your relationship, your anger, your depression, or your self-esteem. I was there, too. Do not find it surprising if you are unable to do so. I could not and did not. I found myself destroying all that I touched instead. 

Christ came to this earth for people like us. He died so we could live! So, we could have peace. So, we could have joy. So, we could have a new life. He is just waiting for you to open the door He has been knocking on for a while now. You have tried on your own and failed, so what do you have to lose? You would gain a God that would never fail you. He has not failed me. 

 I made the decision to get up, because He has risen for me. I shook it off and surrendered it all to Him. And, now I praise Him for saving me from my own stubbornness. You can do the same. 

Now the moments I live are of victory. God has given me favor in every area of my life. Doors are opening; educationally and financially. My family is being restored. I am thankful for the friendships in my life. My smile reflects the light in my heart, and I have peace when I rest. And, love… God is love. And, I found it.  And, so can you. 

You can find it too. 

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